Steven Lee Anderson

Marketing // Ecommerce // Growth


The Art & Science of Ecommerce

Through my years of experience, I’ve seen makeshift brands find success and I’ve seen well planned brands fall flat. There is always opportunity in this world and sometimes it comes from unexpected places.  Ecommerce is both an art and science, but clear vision and accurate insight are required for both.

Creating compelling digital experiences requires a deep understanding of user needs, behaviors, and preferences. At the heart of these experiences lies the ability to engage users in a way that feels both intuitive and innovative, guiding them through digital landscapes with ease while delivering value at every interaction.

Empathic Design:

The creation of compelling digital experiences demands endless empathy for the user. Every element, from the copywriting to the user interface design and interactive features, must work harmoniously to create a cohesive experience that captivates and delights. It’s about crafting stories through digital mediums, where every click reveals a new chapter of the brand narrative, engaging users emotionally and intellectually.

Data Driven Decisions:

High-quality data collection is crucial for driving dependable digital growth. Implementing solid data collection practices, such as server-side tracking, first-party data collection, and conversion API integrations, forms the foundation of our strategy. I collaborate with your team to ensure that platforms like Facebook, Google, and TikTok receive high-quality data, enhancing their ability to target customers accurately. Moreover, we create dynamic dashboards that provide real-time insights into the key metrics crucial to your brand’s success.

AI Powered Development:

Incorporating generative AI tools into the process marks a significant leap forward in tightening the feedback loop between data, design, and development. These powerful tools serve as a bridge, enabling me to quickly transform insights and design elements into functional features. By leveraging generative AI, I can iterate digital experiences quickly, testing various user interfaces, copy variations, and interactive elements to see what resonates best with the audience. 

Scale Growth with Data Driven Strategies

Leveraging a unique approach to data-driven decision-making, I pinpoint the key drivers of growth and strategically activate them to elevate brands. My methodology of real-time analysis coupled with rapid creative testing speeds up the learning curve, providing a transparent roadmap for scaling revenue effectively.

Build Measure Learn

Measure Growth Drivers Through Data Analysis

I begin by analyzing historical data to uncover potential relationships that could indicate growth patterns. Evaluate these potential correlations by formulating and testing hypotheses to determine their statistical relevance. I focus on distinguishing between prioritizing meaningful metrics over less substantial ‘vanity’ metrics.

This stage is pivotal because most brands can attribute their growth to a select set of key factors. Identifying and fine-tuning these factors is essential, as they are often the levers that, when correctly managed, ensure growth follows.


Build Winning Creative With Rapid Experimentation

Armed with insights, I move into the second phase, emphasizing swift action and meticulous analysis. My goal in this stage is to rapidly iterate and experiment with creative concepts, quickly identifying what most significantly affects your brand’s growth. I implement a structured routine of conducting weekly experiments, rigorously testing my data-informed hypotheses. This strategy allows me to gather a year’s worth of insights for our clients in months, compared to the slower pace of agencies that don’t prioritize active experimentation.

Learn Which Growth Levers Are Profitable

Upon identifying the most impactful growth levers and validating them through rigorous experimentation, the next crucial step is scaling these successes to achieve sustainable and profitable growth. This phase involves meticulously refining the marketing mix and strategically deploying resources to amplify the proven levers. It’s here that the synergy of analytical precision and creative marketing truly shines, as we optimize the customer journey, enhance acquisition channels, and deepen engagement strategies, all while maintaining a laser focus on ROI.


Get in Touch with Steven Lee Anderson